Haruka/Sailor Uranus

This page is dedicated to my favorite senshi-Sailor Uranus.
Haruka is the goddess of the wind and sky!
She is a member of the outer senshi but is by far the most aggressive
senshi out of the whole group! She shows her dedication towards her
missions openly and does not agree with those
who take the work of a warrior lightly.

Haruka's Statistics

Name: Tenoh, Haruka
Name Meaning:Distant Heaven King
Date of Birth:January 27
Power Source:Wind
Astrological Sign:Aquarius
Blood Type:B
Favorite Colour:Gold
Hobbies:Racing, Flirting and Athletic Events
Favorite Food:Salad
Least Favorite Food:Natto
Favorite Subject:Physical Education
Least Favorite Subject:Modern Japanese
Strong Point:Racing
Dream:To Become a Professional Race Car Driver
Favorite Gemstone:Amber

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Sailor Uranus

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